Chicken Avocado Burger (Plated)

Plated needs to rename their Chicken Avocado Burger to “Bland Blah on Brioche.” I mean, it’s fine if you’re easily turned off by things like flavor. It’s totally edible, particularly if you’re a fan of chewing on cotton balls.

The green beans are good. The lemon adds a nice tang. But the burger desperately needs dijon, ancho chile powder and perhaps a hit of cayenne…anything to wake it up.

#plated #platedCorrected

Steak with Roasted Tomato Chimichurri

Plated’s Seared Steak with Roasted Tomato Chimichurri. Good flavor, easy to prepare. We’re full.

Minor modification: withhold one of the three cloves of garlic from the chimichurri sauce and mince it. Use it during the first (and only) flip of the steaks at around 3 minutes. Add 1 tbsp butter to the pan and spoon the liquid and garlic over the steaks for the next 2-3 minutes until they reach 130F. Spoon the pan sauce over the steaks as they rest on a plate.

They did forget to mention trimming the ends of the snap peas. Do that.

I also roasted the vegetables for an extra 4-5 minutes.

Other than that, the recipe is pretty solid.