Seared Steak with Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette (Plated)

It’s time to start a cooking commentary called, “That’s a terrible idea. Don’t do that.”

Tonight’s Plated meal, Seared Steak with Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette, was a mediocre recipe from the start. I made the mistake of starting to prep before I read the whole recipe through and realized at damn near every step there were serious flaws. I corrected along the way and the meal was FANTASTIC! Continue reading “Seared Steak with Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette (Plated)”

Chicken Avocado Burger (Plated)

Plated needs to rename their Chicken Avocado Burger to “Bland Blah on Brioche.” I mean, it’s fine if you’re easily turned off by things like flavor. It’s totally edible, particularly if you’re a fan of chewing on cotton balls.

The green beans are good. The lemon adds a nice tang. But the burger desperately needs dijon, ancho chile powder and perhaps a hit of cayenne…anything to wake it up.

#plated #platedCorrected

Steak with Roasted Tomato Chimichurri

Plated’s Seared Steak with Roasted Tomato Chimichurri. Good flavor, easy to prepare. We’re full.

Minor modification: withhold one of the three cloves of garlic from the chimichurri sauce and mince it. Use it during the first (and only) flip of the steaks at around 3 minutes. Add 1 tbsp butter to the pan and spoon the liquid and garlic over the steaks for the next 2-3 minutes until they reach 130F. Spoon the pan sauce over the steaks as they rest on a plate.

They did forget to mention trimming the ends of the snap peas. Do that.

I also roasted the vegetables for an extra 4-5 minutes.

Other than that, the recipe is pretty solid.